Iranian Shadow
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Thanks to all of you for asking about Iranian women. All women who were under arrest last week get released this Saturday. As I have heard two leaders are supposed to go to the court. Probably they will be charged. I hope if they are not sent back to prison again.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Does anybody care what passes in my country?
My friends, women and men of my country, were beaten and arrested by the security forces because of their objection to discriminatory civic and labor laws. This was supposed to be a peaceful demonstration by women’s right activists.
I am so sad. What am I doing here? My sister was beaten brutally by a police woman, my friend has disappeared and I am here, Just crying and try to talk to someone in
Does anybody care what passes in my country?
Even Iranian are obsessed with football fever these days. Nobody pays attention to the other fever, the other patient.
I am so sad.