I am sick of wathing Ahmadinedjad's face on TV. I left Iran, because I didn't want to hear even a word of his speeches and now what? Since I have been here, once a week, I have had to watch him, with his terrible cold eyes, smiling on camera, staring at reporters, and scaring the hell out of me, if people of my country are going to have another damn war. I am really sick of that.
Erika has bought these pairs of earrings last month when it was her birthday. She has put them in a nice box on top of her bed. She had written this statement on the box: "From Erika to Erika, with love, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
I am sure that many people that I know, I mean Iranian, call her mad for doing such a thing, and honestly she is not. She is just alone and loneliness and madness are totally different!
Erika is divorced and lives alone. She is around her forty, she has no child, no parents, she goes to gym everyday, practices music, practices French and last but not the least she is a very happy woman.
In our minds, people from east, there is something which makes us to be afraid of any kind of loneliness. We look at it as a kind of disaster and we try everything to avoid it.
Are we happy after all? How many of us are happier than Erika?