Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Erika has bought these pairs of earrings last month when it was her birthday. She has put them in a nice box on top of her bed. She had written this statement on the box: "From Erika to Erika, with love, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
I am sure that many people that I know, I mean Iranian, call her mad for doing such a thing, and honestly she is not. She is just alone and loneliness and madness are totally different!
Erika is divorced and lives alone. She is around her forty, she has no child, no parents, she goes to gym everyday, practices music, practices French and last but not the least she is a very happy woman.
In our minds, people from east, there is something which makes us to be afraid of any kind of loneliness. We look at it as a kind of disaster and we try everything to avoid it.
Are we happy after all? How many of us are happier than Erika?


At 9:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so true. I think it is hard for us Iranians to make a balance between lonliness and being alone. There is a thin borderline in between.

At 7:09 AM, Blogger آریا تهم said...

if erika is a person like that u said so she should have a lot of friend and she is not alone .

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't really agree with you. I think that humans need to communicate with each other and that the key to feeling any value for oneself is in giving meaning to others' lives. I have been alone and I have felt lonely even at times when I wasn't alone. I have been through times when I believed that being alone should not be so petrifying, and that it is better to be at peace with oneself and one's life rather than be with people with whom you feel no connection. After experiencing all that, however, my view changed, and I cannot imagine going through life knowing that nobody cares about you. I do not know Erika and I can by no means explain or disprove her happy image, but I think I am eligible to say that our need for being with each other and our fear of being alone has nothing to do with our nationality or "culture".

At 2:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for your comment. I think for you there has been a special mood, when you needed to be alone. you are not in that mood any more.
For her it is not the mood, it is just the matter of personality. She has a different charachter anyway, this kind of charachter I rarely see among Iranian.

At 12:24 AM, Blogger choclosteve said...

I believe there is a cultural thing about being alone just as there are cultural distance comfort zones when talking, which cause an Italian and a northern European or north American to keep shifting around. I once lived in a northen German workers' barracks with a bunch of southern Italians. The Italians could not stand quiet. They thought it odd when I sometimes went off by myself. It was fun

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Zohreh said...

look there is differences between being alone and feel lonely..we can feel lonely even where are in relationships and or married or having some one in our life somehow.
I dont mind living by myself and even me have plenty of friends to share my free and good time with ..still love to have my"own time" or i call it " me time". and boy i love it.
i make the most of my times nad learn and read and do stuff which not every one can afford to do becosue they are so busy cooking so many hours daily to feed the family and kids.
dont get me wrong please ..having family and kids is great and there is nothing wrong to look after them but if my life style is like erika.. i make the most of it and like her try to enjoy it.
life is too short for shit..to be sad or bitter and angry and most of the times its too short to stay in bad relationship.
so yeh..

At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Matthew said...

so true. I think it is hard for us Iranians to make a balance between lonliness and being alone. There is a thin borderline in between.  


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